Payment Processing For Cannabis Testing Labs.

Accept credit cards for less cost and directly from banks that have reviewed and approved Cannabis Testing Labs Accounts.

Run a cannabis testing lab and taking payments in cash? Do you accept credit cards through a merchant services provider that doesn’t know you’re involved with cannabis? Most of the labs we talk to use Stripe or Paypal or Venmo, all of which don’t allow such business to be processed on their platforms.  Others are stuck dealing in all cash.  

We are happy to announce:

Domestic cannabis testing lab merchant accounts are available.

We provide fully transparent and reliable merchant accounts to the cannabis testing labs so you won’t be penalized or have your account shut down.

Cannabis testing labs are often forced to take payments in all cash or with payment processors that don’t know they are in the cannabis industry which will result in the account eventually being shut down and a disruption in cash flow.

We offer cannabis seed merchants domestic credit card processing with:

Let’s work together to get you into a better situation than you are today! Contact us today!